From Workers to Capitalists in less than Two Generations: A Study of Chinese Urban Elite Transformation between 1988 and 2013
Seminar notes
Disclaimer: These notes are circulated for the joy of sharing research that I find interesting and stimulating. I hope that they can be helpful to you as well. Please, keep in mind that the present document has not been reviewed by the author(s). They could thus contain errors and/or approximations. Before citing the reported results, please, make sure to check the latest publicly available release.
Li Yang, (PSE) (presenter), Filip Novokmet (U. Bonn), Branko Milanovic (UNY) - Full paper
Collège de France/INSEAD, Brown Bag seminar
- Last 40 years: Chinese economic growth unprecedented
- Same time, dramatic increase in GINI
What/How they do?
- Use harmonized household surveys covering 1988-2013 -> Focus on economic elites in urban CN.
- Split the country into 3 zones (East, central, West)
- Relatively consistent data over this short period although equivalent to 2 centuries of growth in the US or GB.
Early focus of the CN econ literature on:
- Industrial sector (structural change)
- Political dominance & econ
-> Not much on inequalities and economic elite so far
Stat desc on the economic elite
- Share of elite into total income is increasing since 1988 -> 21% to 30% for top 10%
- Focusing on the source of income of the top 5 percent, their income used to be largely dominated by public sector income, it’s now less than 50%.
- Elite income from the private sector increases 10 times from 0.8% of total urban income to 8% of total urban income.
Social composition of the top 5%
Education composition of the top-5%
- The share of university graduates goes from 12% to 44% between 1988 and 2013
- Primary and middle educated people are the declining group(70%->25%) in the same
Communist party membership & the top 5%
- 6% of the population is a member of the communist party
- within the top-5%, it is between 40% and 50%.
- CCP membership is however non significant to explain income, except for big business owners.