
Making Patent Citations Uncool Again

patCit aims at connecting patents to the rest of the Innovation system (scientific articles, technological standards, etc) by leveraging non-standard and in-text patent citations that were previously unused. It involves large data pipelines and Natural Language Processing at scale. The project keeps improving and has already found its fair amount of users (and stars) and the resulting dataset counts more than 6,000 downloads.

patCit - A Comprehensive Patent Citations Dataset

Documentation DOI

👩‍🔬 Exploring the universe of patent citations has never been easier. No more complicated data set-up, memory issue and queries running for ever, we host patCit on BigQuery for you. You can also download the data on Zenodo

🤗 patCit is community driven and benefits from the suppport of a reactive team who is eager happy to help and tackle your next request. This is where academics and industry practitioners meet.

🔮 patCit is based on state-of-the-art open source projects and libraries such as grobid/biblio-glutton and spaCy patcit-academic. Even better, patCit is continuously improving with the rest of its ecosystem.

🎓 Want to know more? Read patCit academic presentation or dive into usage and technical guides on patCit documentation website.

💌 Receive project updates in your mails/gitHub feed, join the patCit newsletter and star the repository on gitHub.